Friday, February 4, 2011

cousins share so much....including germs. The least they can do is keep each other company right??

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Nothing like a birthday blizzard. Guess I should have planned

an igloo or snowman party.

Did have to learn the difference between

deceptacons and autobots in preparation for

this cake. Realized as my 4 year old explained, I was totally out of my element

and they are harder to draw in frosting than first thought.

Luckily he was happy just the same.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Quite funny when someone won't let you take a picture. Poetic justice when he fell trying to kick the ball. Was it wrong to laugh?

He's very proud of his first big soccer ball.

Game day pancakes

So this is Hudson's first season playing soccer. He is soooooo excited to do "boy stuff"!

Hannah's teacher this year is Mrs. Cain. She spent the first 15 years as an attorney and then decided she wanted to work with kids in a different way. She then went back for her bachelor's and master's in education. I told Hannah not to bother arguing with her; it's a sure lose.

Hannah's art teacher pictured here is also great. He's so good with the kids and has many interesting things planned.

Monday, September 27, 2010

First day of 4th grade
August 16th,2010

Is running behind considered exercise? Well, I should be in great shape right? Update: Hannah started 4th grade this August. Perks include her good friend Mia in the same class and a 5 minute drive :) . Mia has lived next door since we moved in 5 years ago. There is potential for the two to take over the class if they align themselves correctly. Good or bad depending on whether your the teacher or student. All about perspective.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Is anything really fun without a little mess? Hudson and Cade (his buddy from next door) had a great time finger and toe painting murals both on paper and the driveway. Straight to the bathtub after this one!